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The endocrine system is a collection of glands that produce hormones. Hormones are chemical “messengers” that travel through the bloodstream to tissues or organs and regulate important body processes such as:
– Metabolism – digestion, elimination, breathing, blood circulation and temperature regulation
– Growth and development
– Sexual function
– Reproduction
– Mood
– Sleep

Hormonal disorders occur when hormonal levels are higher or lower than normal or when the body does not properly respond to hormones. Hormonal levels are also affected by stress, infections, and changes in blood’s fluid and electrolyte balance. Diabetes is one of the most common endocrine diseases. It is caused by insulin deficit in the body and can lead to serious long-term damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and nervous system.
Maintaining normal hormone levels is key to maintaining most of the vital processes of our body.

Antioxidants & Vitamins

Ocolut Combi

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Оcolut® Duo

Antioxidants & Vitamins


Antioxidants & Vitamins

Osteobor® Forte

Bone Health


